随着 Dencun 升级到测试网络,以太坊开发人员预计汇总成本将降低 10 倍


随着 Dencun 升级于 2024 年初登陆该网络的三个测试网,以太坊生态系统正在逐步实现第 2 层汇总的 Gas 费用大幅降低和交易速度加快。

Dencun 网络升级已于1 月 12 日在 Goerli 测试网上激活。17 日,介绍了几项以太坊改进提案(EIP)。特别令人感兴趣的是 EIP-4844,它支持原始 danksharding,这是一项备受期待的改进,据称可以降低 L2 交易费用。

正如最初报道的那样,Dencun 到 Goerli 的部署由于一个错误导致测试网无法完成升级而延迟了四个小时。以太坊开发平台 Tenderly 联合创始人 Nebojsa Urosevic 在与 Cointelegraph 的通信中解开了该漏洞的详细信息。

“由于以太坊的权益证明客户端 Prysm 中存在错误,网络无法与节点同步,”Urosevic 说。

Tenderly 联合创始人兼工程团队高级副总裁指出,客户端同步延迟很常见,这使得错误能够得到及时识别和纠正:


以太坊基金会协议负责人 Tim Beiko 还分享了1 月 1 日最新的所有核心开发人员执行电话会议的汇报。18号文件概述了问题的历史根源。历史根源是以太坊信标链用来管理区块链状态的计算负载的遗留机制。

正如 Beiko 总结的那样,该错误与以太坊的权益证明客户端 Prysm 将历史根值设置为 0 有关,这阻止了 Goerli 测试网完成 Dencun 升级:


As the official Ethereum blog outlines, Dencun incorporates 9 different EIPs. Urosevic highlighted proto-danksharding and blob transactions as the most anticipated of the EIPs:

“Proto-danksharding is a major step toward improved Ethereum scalability, thanks to the use of blob-carrying transactions instead of calldata.”

Urosevic explains that data blobs will improve storage efficiency by making transaction data temporarily available in a “compressed” format. He adds that they are more cost-effective compared to calldata, with a potential reduction in costs of up to 80 to 90%.

Related: Big changes coming to Ethereum’s account abstraction to save on gas

Following the successful implementation on Goerli, the Sepolia and Holesky testnets are next in line to undergo the Dencun upgrade. Urosevic notes that successful deployment on all three testnets is required before plans are made to upgrade Ethereum’s mainnet.

Dencun’s storage improvements

Ethereum sidechain Gnosis’ infrastructure Director Phillippe Schommers highlights that Dencun will provider more block space and lower costs to L2s, while data that was previously stored indefinitely onchain will be discarded after two weeks:

“This is scalability in a way that is compatible with our endgame, without sacrificing decentralization.”

Urosevic echoes these sentiments, citing storage improvements as one of the major impacts of the Dencun upgrade.

“L2 networks will be able to store data on L1 more efficiently. Blobs will be deleted approximately every two weeks, which is enough for L2s to manage, retrieve, and verify the data. This makes blobs cheaper than typical transaction calldata which is stored indefinitely,” Urosevic explains.

The result sees Dencun deliver lower gas fees and faster transactions fees, which stands to open opportunities for “new, more complex applications on L2 solutions”:

“Dencun will probably lower rollup transaction costs by up to ten times, depending on blob space demand.”

Rollups stand to be the biggest beneficiaries of the new upgrade, as their economic viability and scalability are enhanced by reduced operational costs.

Anurag Arjun, co-founder of data availability blockchain Avail, adds that the significant growth rates in demand for blockspace from rollups in 2023 suggests an expected increase in the demand for blockspace for data availability from L2s moving forward:

“Proto-danksharding will provide some relief, but it’s clear that rollups need a whole lot more block space for data availability, and we need to be thinking about how we can achieve this in a way that still prioritises decentralisation, scalability and security,” Arjun tells Cointelegraph.

While the systematic upgrades of the Ethereum network work towards lower fees and faster transactions, protocols like Avail could help address block space demands of rollups in the interim.

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Arjun 指出,Avail 的 zkEVM Validium 的最新基准通过将交易数据发布到 Avail 而不是以太坊,将交易费用降低了 90%。


Urosevic 总结了 Dencun 在以太坊主网上升级的最终结果,并评论说,其实施将是第一次直接在主网上解决可扩展性问题。多个 EIP 将为开发者带来更高的存储效率、更低的 Gas 费和更好的整体体验,同时使 Rollup 更具成本效益。”Urosevic 说。

“多个 EIP 将为开发者带来更高的存储效率、更低的 Gas 费和更好的整体体验,同时使 Rollup 更具成本效益,”Urosevic 补充道。

杂志:《贫民窟的亿万富翁 2》:Polygon 的 Sandeep Nailwal 表示,“前 10 名……并没有带来任何满足感”
